What is NeuroMastery®?

There's a new way to make changes in your life, called NeuroMastery®. I’m Daimon Sweeney and I’ve put decades into developing this approach. 

NeuroMastery® allows changes to feelings, attitudes, memories, beliefs, self-concepts or thoughts that have been a problem for years, or life-long, as well as current events.

It's so different that it doesn't fit in a box, so people don't know what to do with it, but this difference is why it works so well. I hope you'll put up with the discomfort of unfamiliarity, and I'll do my best to make it make sense.

Once you get it, the whole approach is totally logical.

It's also so effective and works so quickly that if I describe it honestly, it's hard to believe. That effectiveness and speed are why it's a breakthrough, though.

You know what they say about things that sound too good to be true. In this case, that snap judgement is misleading. 

So I thought I’d write about what it is, how it works, and explain why it can be so effective to dispel the unfamiliarity. I also provide a low-cost way to experience Radical Meditation, one of our powerful methods, so you can test it out.

What makes it sound too good to be true is that major changes can happen in minutes.

Even more outrageous, there's usually no or low stress, no analysis, no story-telling, not much talk, no reliving the past, and it creates lasting results.

All that is possible because we use a new understanding of how people people become the way they are and why it's hard to change. This is supported by the neuroscience of how the brain changes itself, and a couple of other factors that accelerate change.

NeuroMastery® is like a cell phone compared to a landline. New and better technology can do things the old ways couldn't imagine. That's what's happening here.

How does it work? It's based on the simple insight that everything you feel, think, remember, and all your life patterns are ultimately embodied in neural networks. 

What's a neural network? You have about 86 billion neurons, and each of them has on the order of 10,000 connections to other neurons. They connect into networks that embody everything I just mentioned, and more.

That includes whatever's bothering you right now, and whatever you haven't been able to get over or change about yourself. It includes your self-judgments, fears, blocks, and much more — essentially everything going on in your life.

Seeing all these things as neural networks is an extremely useful simplification.

If all those things are neural networks ...

... and if we know how to change neural networks (which we do) ...

... then when we change a neural network ...

... we change what it embodies.

This means we don't need separate methods to deal with anger, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, unwanted memories, and the like.

I go so far as to say, "It's all neural networks." That's an obvious oversimplification, I know. Your eye color is not a neural network. I push this idea as far as it will go though, and it goes remarkably far.

When we change the neural network holding an emotion of anger or fear, for instance, doing so changes the experience in an immediate and lasting way. When we take it far enough, the anger or fear simply cannot be found again.

What people experience as problems arise from having a neural network with fight, flight, or freeze activation built into it. That's part one. Part two is that this neural network is running on autopilot in the unconscious.

That makes it feel out of control. Truthfully, it is very hard to change these things using the conscious mind alone. 

We have to go deeper if we want to create real change rather than just distraction or temporary calming, and we can.

The NeuroMastery® approach is like working with the roots and trunk of a tree, rather than the branches and leaves. That’s because we connect the body and mind in a way that creates thorough, comprehensive change. 

What's the benefit?

One benefit is that you stop experiencing whatever we neutralize. These can be issues that feel huge and direct your life. That can be such a enormous relief.

Another benefit is that each unwanted emotion, reaction pattern or trigger takes up neural real estate. NeuroMastery® is a way to reclaim those resources so they can be used for something better.

Reclaiming inner resources makes you increasingly calm, resilient, present, and connected to yourself and others.

Part of the approach involves getting in touch with what I call the Emotional Operating System. That's the felt sense. We understand it as the source of what we experience as emotions and as an active guidance system.

The felt sense was identified by Eugene Gendlin as an essential element of deep change, and is built into most NeuroMastery® methods.

Accessing the Emotional Operating System lets us transform patterns such as persistent feelings of unworthiness, unresolved anger, fears, phobias, and other persistent or excessive emotions. It allows us to address all kinds of destructive patterns including procrastination, negative self-talk, and doomed relationships, to name a few.

All those things are fundamentally embodied in neural networks. Neuroscientists have discovered that the brain updates neural networks through a process called memory reconsolidation. The five steps of memory reconsolidation are, in my words:

1. Identify

2. Activate

3. Interrupt

4. Relearn

5. Reconsolidate

How we use the steps

Identifying the neural network means zeroing in on a particular reaction, memory, feeling, etc., and connecting with how it feels in the body.

Tuning in activates the neural network.

Then we interrupt the brain's expectations. That changes the brain's state from simply repeating the familiar to being open to new learning. 

For the relearning part we use meridian point stimulation, using finger pressure on various points. You do it all yourself, with guidance. 

(In a moment I'll explain how this differs from EFT.)

Reconsolidation is very much like saving and closing a file that's just been edited. It includes testing how much reactivity is still present, checking in with the body, and so on.

Why use meridian points?

Because it's been scientifically shown at Harvard that meridian point stimulation calms the amygdala and other parts of the brain. 

We activate and calm the identified neural network in a controlled way. This sends activating and calming signals to the brain at the same time. Doing both at once is like trying to stand up and lie down at the same time. It can't be done, so the brain naturally chooses the healthier state, which is calm. What we are doing is freeing the brain from the unhealthy, stuck state.

Our methods focus this effect on exactly the neural networks we've identified, so we get results targeted to a specific memory, feeling, belief, etc.

How is NeuroMastery® different from EFT?

I was a certified EFT practitioner for 10 years, and while it is powerful, I personally needed deeper results than I could get with that approach.

This necessity drove me to create NeuroMastery®, which is based directly on memory reconsolidation, the neuroscience of rapid change. Insights from evolutionary psychology and other sources are also integral to the approach.

From this foundation, understanding and techniques have emerged that let us go far deeper and often faster with NeuroMastery® than with anything else I've seen.

In Radical Meditation, one of 20+ NeuroMastery® methods, we typically do three rounds of six minutes each, with recalibration in between. When rating their reactivity on a scale of 0 - 10, many people get down to zero.

The entire process rewires reactivity out of the selected neural network. Once reactivity goes to zero, clients can find no emotional reaction to the topic. It is neutralized. Essentially the brain learns it doesn't have to associate alarm with that topic, so it resets to being unalarmed.

Of course, there can be related triggers and layers. They can be handled one after another, with growing inner freedom at each step. Beyond immediate improvements, positive effects tend to extend into other areas of life.

In this way we free the brain, the body and the nervous system - the whole person - from being stuck in unwanted and limiting patterns.

Given the opportunity, the system naturally moves out of contraction into expansion, from being stuck in constricted, repetitive, automatic patterns into increasing wholeness, expansion, and integration.

This happens spontaneously, the way the skin heals from a cut if it can. We're simply freeing the nervous system to move into a healthier state, which it naturally prefers.

What kind of results do people get?

One person brought lifelong feelings of unworthiness to a session and at the end those feelings were impossible to find. He said, “It's like magic!”

In another session, lifelong anger or rage in response to a particular phrase changed to an entirely different, more empowered response.

Intense relationship struggles one person was experiencing calmed way down and became far less disruptive. There are more stories as well. 

The specific method I’m describing is called Radical Meditation. It's called that because it's radically fast and because radical means going to the root, which is what it does.

You're invited to experience Radical Meditation yourself, either in person or online. It's transformational and out of the ordinary. All the description in the world doesn't compare to an actual experience.

I teach the whole method each time so it's always a drop in, although the more of it you do, the more you benefit. 

In-person sessions happen in South Austin on Wednesday evenings.

Online sessions are on Thursday afternoons and evenings. The registration link is below.

Bring something that bothers you, from general anxiety to specific emotions, relationships, triggers, events, situations, or memories. 

It’s almost certain you’ll feel much calmer about that topic by the end of your first session. You may have an entire reorientation in how you think about and relate to it.

This is probably the only meditation with a money back guarantee. 

I’ll refund the small registration fee if you don’t feel a major shift. That’s how confident I am that it works. 

Get the details and register at NeuroMastery.io/radical

We’re new in Austin, so this is just getting going, but I hope to develop a local community of people interested in systematic personal evolution and emergence. That's what this work allows, far beyond quick fixes (though it's great for that, as well).

Great people are attracted to this work (including you?), and it’s more powerful in community. 

My other offers are described here. Some people say NeuroMastery® is the only thing that's helped after 30 or 35 years of trying everything they could find.

Be awesome, and thanks for reading this far! I hope to see you in person or online.

Feel free to connect with me.

Daimon Sweeney